Since we understand that it takes a village to raise a child, your family is our priority. We aim to create a fun and safe environment where kids experience the love and truth of Jesus Christ. Through age-specific and relevant Bible lessons, engaging activities, and vibrant community, Venture Kids develop an awe of their Creator, memorize Scripture, serve others with their gifts, and cultivate life-long, God-honoring friendships. Specially designed services are available for all age groups from infants through fifth grade. Don’t miss this opportunity for your family to thrive as your kids experience their greatest potential in Christ.
Venture Kids Outcomes
Our desired outcomes for kids are aligned with their natural phases of development.
Developing kids into fully devoted followers of Christ who exercise their spiritual gifts to experience their greatest potential~
Check out our Sunday morning classes and H412 below.
Service & Development: In partnership with parents, personally-tailored service & development opportunities are offered to Venture Kids so they may experience their greatest potential at each phase of their spiritual journey.
Cultivating life-long, God-honoring friendships through dynamic community while learning to love one another in word and deed~
Kids Community Group (Thursdays at 6:30 in Collegeville) Register here
Strong Families – Strong Kids Events focused on strengthening parents and families while fostering community with other families
Instilling within children an awe of and love for Jesus, resulting in a desire to serve Him~
Children understanding their significance as they are given something significant to do~
Service & Development: In partnership with parents, personally-tailored service & development opportunities are offered to Venture Kids so they may experience their greatest potential at each phase of their spiritual journey.
Training children to speak the gospel and to participate with global missions~
Community Outreach Events
Venture Kids serve our Trappe Community, shoulder-to-shoulder with adults, while cleaning the Perkiomen Creek Watershed and serving at the Memorial Day Parade and Trappe Day.
Global Outreach
Venture Kids are connected to global missions through annual mission trips, Operation Christmas Child, and tithes & offerings to support Verge missionary Talia Mathew.
Sunday Morning Classes
Sunrise (8 weeks – 2 years old)
Sunrise (Dawning of a New Creation) provides the care and love infants and toddlers need to understand the most basic aspect of developing faith in Christ: God deeply loves and cares for each of us. Sunrise volunteers love, play with, and pray for each child. Sunrise volunteers will also read an age-appropriate Bible story each week.
Summit Kids (2 years old to Pre-Kindergarten)
Summit Kids (Descending to the Mountains) develop awe and love for their Creator and Savior. Summit volunteers cultivate a Big Picture overview of God’s Word in a fun and nurturing environment.
Adventure Kids (Kindergarten to Second Grade)
Adventure Kids (Developing to the Trail) worship with their parents for the first few minutes of service and are dismissed to their classroom. Adventure volunteers create an experience-based learning environment where the Verge outcomes of serving, developing, community, and outreach are aligned with your child’s natural development.
UnderGround (Third to Fifth Grade)
UnderGround Kids (Digging Deep Roots) worship with their parents for the first few minutes of service and are dismissed to their classroom. UnderGround Kids focus on growing their faith while supported by UnderGround volunteers. Their experience-based learning builds upon the Venture Kids foundation established in previous classrooms. Verge outcomes of serving, developing, community, and outreach are aligned with your child’s natural development so that UnderGround Kids are well-prepared for Divergent Youth.
H412 Scripture Memorization
H412 points Venture Kids to Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” Venture Kids will be memorizing their way from Creation to Revelation, through 45 verses! Consider memorizing these verses as a family. Perhaps they will have double the fun when they beat you while they learn to crave the Living Word of God! H412 costs $15 per child to participate. H412 Sword Wielders recite verses at 10:15 AM on Sunday mornings. Register here.
First Time Guests
Because safety is our priority, we will need some information at the Venture Kids Check-In (including: child’s name, birthday, and any special instructions, i.e. allergies, etc.). During your first visit, a Verge Church Greeter will enter your safety information into our secure system. The next time you join us, you can simply enter in your last name on your own at any available station.
Upon check-in, your child will receive a name-tag that includes any special instructions, and an security code. You will receive a matching security code sticker. After the experience, you’ll show the Venture Kids Team member your matching tag for your child to be released from his/her room.
If your family will be joining us for the first time, you can speed up your Venture Kids check-in by filling out this form!
Venture Kids Team
Danielle Mazzone
Venture Kids Director
Danielle was born and raised in Southeastern Pennsylvania and was discipled from infancy through wonderful Kid’s Ministry programs. She started teaching Sunday School and VBS at 17 years old, attended Kairn University, and took on a Kid’s Ministry leadership role during her freshman year. While her professional career turned towards engineering, her passion for seeing kids experience the life-transforming Gospel and powerful love of Jesus remained constant. Danielle brings decades of experience in Kid’s Ministry, project management, and professional education skills to our Venture Kids Ministry. She shares three amazing Venture Kids with her husband, James, and together, their family shares the love of Jesus with others. Danielle is excited to see God build all our Venture Kids into men and women of integrity who follow Jesus completely.