Our Anchors
Believers worshipping Jesus together, serving the body and ministering to the needs of one another
Developing a dynamic community of Christ followers who love one another
Becoming mature, fully-developed followers of Christ as we grow together
A vibrant community of believers sharing the Gospel to reach the lost
Our Team
Jason Rising
Lead Pastor
Jason Rising is the Founder and Lead Pastor of Verge Church. Jason was born and raised in Massachusetts. He along with his wife Teri have been serving the local church over the last 25 years as evangelist, as well as staff pastors. Jason leads with a desire to equip people for the work of ministry. His passion is to see the church grow as a community of believers who love the Lord and reach those who have yet to experience Christ’s saving grace. He loves using humor and creativity to communicate the gospel message and is highly invested in developing leaders. His heart is to foster a community that will celebrate and empower people to fulfill their call to honor God and love one another. Jason feels that the greatest mission that the church could have is the one that Jesus assigned us with from the very beginning and that is to create disciples / followers of Christ and empower them to do the work of the ministry.
Teri Rising
Community Pastor
Teri grew up in Western Pennsylvania where she felt a call to ministry right after graduating high school. She attended the University of Valley Forge and received her Bachelor of Science degree in youth ministry. It is there, she met and married Jason Rising while touring with One 18 Ministries (formally known Holy Hands). They have 2 handsome strapping young man children, Joshua and Caleb and added a lovely daughter in Law (Megan) in the mix. Teri has a heart to inspire, empower, and come alongside women of all ages to walk in the calling and purpose God has created them for. She wants nothing more than to help them understand their true worth in Christ and what it means to live an authentic, Spirit-led life.
Juan Valdez
Youth Director
Juan Valdez was born and raised in a Catholic family in Kalamazoo, MI. He gave his life to Jesus personally when He was 17 years old. Juan graduated from high school and attended Word of Life Bible Institute in New York to study the Bible for an entire year. He met his wife Tara at Word of Life. After Word of Life, they attended the University of Valley Forge for a year before going full-time into the workforce in the construction industry. He currently is a small business owner. They have a calling to serve in youth ministry, evident over the past 15 years, where Juan and Tara have been active leaders in youth ministry locally before coming to help plant Verge Church. Juan and Tara have three energetic kids Cattleya – 9, Cato- 7, and Caden -5. Juan has always had a passion for student ministries. He is a relational leader who cares about students growing in their faith as they have fun growing up. Juan and Tara come to Verge as experienced leaders working with students. They have a vision for the students at Verge Church, and Juan is excited to serve as youth director at Verge.
Rebekah Reese
Connections Pastor
Rebekah brings over a decade of ministry experience to the Verge Team. While skilled in everything from preaching to team building to planning/leading outreaches, her greatest passion is disciple making. Rebekah’s heart to help people connect and learn to follow Jesus together is evident in all she does.
After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry from the University of Valley Forge, Rebekah jumped into ministry alongside Jason & Teri. She’s been serving with them for the past 12 years, connecting with nonprofits and churches throughout the Northeast. This next season planting Verge Church is one she’s looked forward to for years!
You can often find Rebekah discipling other women, reading a good book, listening to her favorite podcast or being the best Auntie in the world!
Alexis Ward
Outreach Director
Alexis spent her early years as a Christian being discipled through her participation in outreach and street ministry. Here is where her heart for outreach grew. She was impacted by meeting people where they were with the hope of Christ. These years unleashed a hunger in her to see people understand Christ’s love for them in creative ways. Alexis went on to receive her degree from Savannah College of Art and Design in 2014. Upon graduating she spent four years in hospitality design. She is a wife and mother of two girls. Throughout the changes of life, her heartbeat to see those come to sincerely know Christ and see their lives transformed through both the extraordinary and mundane has remained constant.
Brandon Ward
Development Pastor
Brandon is an experienced teacher with a passion for equipping the church for the work of the ministry. He has spent several years in various capacities: a small group leader, worship pastor, youth pastor, and in managing large volunteer ministries for a global parachurch organization. His desire is to see every believer mobilized through discipleship, leadership development and thriving in a ministry calling to edify the church and reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as they multiply and make disciples around them. He is excited to see God work to build the Church of Jesus Christ—and to get to come alongside Him in that work as a “living stone”, as God build around the precious cornerstone of Jesus Christ, with the people God is collecting around us.
Our Beliefs
We believe in one God, eternally existent as three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
God the Father is co-equal with God the Son and Spirit and is the initiator of all of creation. He has always loved His creation and set forth the path of the restoration of all things through the sacrifice of His son, Jesus.
Jesus is the Son of God, co-equal with God the Father and Spirit as God incarnate. He was born of a virgin, lives as fully human and fully God, subjected Himself to the will of the Father to the point of a death on the cross as an atonement for our sins. He was resurrected from death, ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, and He has been given all authority in Heaven and on Earth. He will return again to gain His bride—the Church, and will judge all those who are living and who have died.
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is co-equal with God the Father and Son proceeds from the Father, and is our “helper” and guides believers in truth. He distributes supernatural gifts to the believers to edify and build the body of Christ. He is at work in the world convicting people of sins and empowering believers.
Men and women were created in the image of God—unique from all creation. We are fearfully and wonderfully made, with purpose and destiny
- Men and women were created to be fruitful and multiply, and to steward all of creation—to leave the world better, and more full than we found it, glorifying the greatness of our Creator
- God Himself breathed life into humanity—and we were created bearing the image of God
- We were made to live an intimate relationship with God—to know Him and to be known fully; We were also created to live in close, unashamed relationship with each other—we are not designed to go through life alone
The Fall
- The first people disobeyed God, and sin entered the world—leaving the world a darker and broken place. Everywhere there is pain, disappointment and destruction, we know it is the result of sin
- As bearers of the image of God we are now marred and broken. We now all bear the stains of sin: pride, fear, and destruction
- We are distant from God—and we live with broken relationships, where intimacy becomes difficult, and loneliness is normal
- God loved His creation enough to give His only Son, Jesus, as a solution for sin and all its consequences
- Jesus is the perfect image of God—and in Christ, we are able to reflect the image of God again
- Jesus makes a way for us to have a restored relationship with God the Father, and empowers us to live in restored community through supernatural love
Because God loved us and provided a path to restoration, we are able to respond in worship to Him
We live to serve
We were made to serve the needs of each other, showing the love of Jesus Christ
We live in community
We were made to love one another in open, honest, challenging relationships—where we know each other and are known
We live to grow
We were made to be mature and become faithful stewards of everything God has given us
We live to share
We were made to call others into the restoration that comes with a restored relationship with God—allowing the message of the Gospel to transform the world within us and around us