We are a group of Christ followers living, learning, and serving in the heart of Trappe / Collegeville, PA. We are not interested in doing church “as usual” but rather to cultivate and nurture a vibrant church community that represents God’s original vision for his church. Our prayer is that our lives and those around us will continually be transformed by the power of his work in and through us.

Our Vision

We exist to compellingly love people to follow Jesus completely.



Our Mission

Our Mission is to serve one another as we build a Christ-centered community that is growing in Jesus and sharing the Gospel.

Our Mission Cornerstones


We strive to be attuned to the needs of one another and meet those needs however we are able. In our western culture we have an ingrained, individualistic mentality. However, scripture contradicts this approach to life particularly within the church (Romans 12:5). In accordance with scripture and the functioning of the early church, we are working toward a culture that assumes we are responsible to care for one another and meet one another’s needs with whatever we have as well as those who have needs in our community (Ephesians 4:12, 1 Peter 4:10).


We are committed to nurturing a dynamic community of Christ followers who deeply and authentically love one another. The Christian life is not meant to be walked alone but in relationship with other believers that we may teach, encourage, care for one another as an example of Christ’s love (Romans 12:3-8). We are given a beautiful example of this in the early church. In addition to this, we recognize that the body of Christ is comprised of a diverse group of people with different life experiences, perspectives, and cultures. While these differences can often bring challenges and even disagreements, we are united in our love for Christ and common goals. Our differences serve an important function in developing the spiritual health and maturity of the church and it’s within this context that we are committed to demonstrating Christ’s love to one another as we grow together (John 13:34-35).


A primary function of the church is to equip believers to grow in their faith, becoming mature, fully developed followers of Christ who are thus empowered to join in the ministry of the Church (Ephesians 4:12-16). At Verge we take this very seriously. Following Jesus is by its definition an active choice to allow the work of the Holy Spirit to transform our hearts and our minds. It involves taking intentional steps to grow in faith and obedience to his calling. Within the environment of the church community, we can be restored and equipped as we take these steps together (Galatians 6:1-2).


We truly believe that the teachings of Jesus and the message of the gospel is the only hope for our broken world (1 Peter 1:3) – a gift meant to be offered to anyone who will listen. We wholeheartedly and joyfully embrace the command given by Jesus to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Mathew 24:14). It is our privilege as followers of Christ to join in this most important work which is to share the gospel message of the saving grace of Jesus Christ inviting and welcoming all who would choose to follow him.

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